Be active! Take the lead! During your first meeting in French, it is useful to know how to ask questions. Here are 33 of them!
As you know, in French to translate ‘you’, we can use the ‘tu’ (informal and direct) and the ‘vous’ (formal and polite). It is customary to use the ‘vous’ during a first contact. This is why all the questions below will use the ‘vous’.
Read and understand the questions, listen to the soundtracks and repeat the questions a couple of times. Learn them, and most importantly, practice them.
Audio of the questions 1 to 11

Comment vous vous appelez ? = Comment vous appelez-vous ? = Vous vous appelez comment ?
These three questions are identical.
The word order depends on the level of French (classic French, standard, popular).

Audio of the questions 12 to 22

Audio of the questions 23 to 33

Are you missing a question?
Tell me which one in the comments … I could add it to this list.
This stuff is great, but in a first conversation you can’t just just ask questions, talk about yourself too. How?
To learn how to present yourself in a safe, well-designed, original setting, click here. And you will discover the full potential of the « My very first real French conversation » course, which will bring you the joy and pride of having spoken French in peace.
A bientôt, Jérôme

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