You are currently viewing La tarte Tatin – vidéo 189

La tarte Tatin – vidéo 189

Learn French : the tarte Tatin (of the Tatin pie)

Tu aimes les pommes ?
Tu aimes les tartes ?
Tu vas adorer la tarte Tatin.
Mets dans un moule un peu de sucre.
Ajoute les pommes coupées en morceaux.
Mets la pâte par-dessus.
Fais cuire la tarte au four …
… à deux cents degrés …
… pendant trente minutes.
Maintenant, attention !
Renverse la tarte sur un plat.
Et tu as une tarte Tatin !
Mange la tarte Tatin tiède.
Avec une boule de glace à la vanille, c’est fantastique !

A little bit of French culture: How was the Tatin pie born?

Tatin pie is a caramelized apple pie, the dough is placed above the apples. After baking, the pie is spilled on a plate and served warm. There are several legends to explain the invention of the Tatin pie. The one I prefer is the following: at the end of the 19th century, in Sologne (a French region with lots of woods that attracts hunters), there was a restaurant that was very popular: the restaurant of the Tatin Sisters. One day there came far too many customers. This caused a lot of stress. In the rush, one of the sisters made an apple pie by first putting the apples in the baking pan instead of the dough. When the dessert was cooked, she realized her blunder and turned the pie over on a plate. And the dessert was very successful.

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