You are currently viewing ROUGE, BLEU, JAUNE, et les mélanges

ROUGE, BLEU, JAUNE, et les mélanges

Primary colors and their combinations in French

Here are 8 infographics that were published on the Instagram account of Pourquoipasenfle! Thanks to Elena Pérez for welcoming me to her instagram account.

rouge bleu jaune
jaune + rouge = orange
rouge + bleu = violet
bleu + jaune = vert
noir blanc
noir + rouge = marron
rouge + blanc = rose
blanc + noir = gris

Check out the Pourquoipasenfle instagram account!

To continue, focus on one color. Which ? Click here… volume_upcontent_copysharestar_border

learning path colors in French

A bientôt, Jérôme

Logo + Jérôme le créateur du français illustré

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